Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh how far we have come!! Halloween past and recent!

This was when we lived in Grand Prarie. Must have been 1987?

Many years later at a party in 2007!Charlie's Angels at your house before hitting the town in 2006

Vegas Baby in 2005!!  The most fun of all!!

Love you sis!

Happy 30th Birthday Sweetie!!!

  Well, where do I begin? Although I feel like our lives together really began when I married your dad, I too was there when you were a Senior at Montgomery HS. I watched you sparkle at the Homecoming Game (you looked so pretty) and then I watched you climb into the limo in that slinky silver dress and to go the prom where you would be crowned Most Beautiful, and then I watched you graduate out there on the football field in Montgomery. All those memories even before I could really call you my daughter!

  Then we all started a new life together when your Dad and I married (hope you like the pics) and we officially became family. What a great day that was! I was so glad that you and Kellie were there to share that special time. It meant so much to me that you both wanted to be there.

  Since then we have been through so much.  You went from high school graduate to college graduate and then to buisness woman.  Now you are an aunt!  How wonderful is that?  I guess I agree with Rick...I've known you since you were 17...and now you are 30. That's actually a very long time and you have done alot of living in that 13 years. I am so very proud of everything you have accomplished and what a wonderful young lady you have become. You've endured good times and bad times, always rising above every situation to take control of yourself and your life. You are a very strong young woman and I have no doubt you will succeed at whatever you set out to do in life. You have so much living ahead of you...I'm excited to see what the future will hold for you. God has blessed you with everything (and more) that you will need to be happy and have peace in your life. You have brought so much happiness to me...you and Kellie are the daughters I never had. How blessed we all are to be able to call ourselves family!

  Always know I am in your corner and here for you. I love you very much. Enjoy this birthday...it's a milestone and one you remember for a very long time. I hope you enjoy it and all the celebrating that comes with it. God Bless You!   Love, Karla

For the best sister a guy could ask for

 Well it makes me realize how long you have been a part of my life when we talk about celebrating your 30th birthday.  I met you when you were 17.  I remember the first time you came into the Outback and I was working in the lounge area.  You sat at table 46 with Brian and Andy.

One of the earliest memories I have with you is when we went to Dallas for the Redskins-Dallas game for your 18th Birthday.  I was amazed that your mom even let you come with us.  I guess she must have trusted me even back then with her girls.  Me, you, Danny and Nate packed up in the Grand Am and headed to the game.  That was a pretty awesome road trip.  If you think about it I have been lucky enough to be a part of all the milestone birthday celebrations.  18, 21 and now 30, it just goes to show how time really does fly by.

The years all seem to run together between you going to college us going to Michigan.  Everyone graduating college, then us all moving back to the same area, i think we have taken it for granted that we have always been around each other.  I hope we continue to make funny memories and that the stories continue to pile up.  Who knows what funny stuff we will be able to put in the 40th Birthday book.

The rest is as they say history.  We have been through alot the last 13 years and I am happy that I have been able to be a part of your life, and even happier that you have been a part of my life.  We have a special relationship and even though you are my sister-in-law I have always considered you my real sister.  I have looked out for you, stood up for you and taken care of you when necessary. I hope that you will always consider me as a brother, to lean upon when you need something, to talk to when you need someone to listen, and to laugh with when you need a smile.

Love you always sis,

Happy 30th Birthday Krista!!!

Happy Birthday Krista!!!!I love you dearly! Your friendship over the years has been a true blessing. There are some people that you know will always be in your life. You are one of those for me. You are also one of the few people that I trust so much that I don’t have to think about whether I should take your advice, I just do it! You always have my best interests at heart and are so genuine, loyal and honest. I really appreciate you, Krista. You were 19 years old when we met and now you are entering your 30's! I can't believe it!!! I've always considered you "the young one" (which I know irritates you but I think it is funny) but now you are in your 30's just like me! Time flies when you are blessed with friends like you to keep you happy, healthy, sane and having fun!!!

I enjoyed brainstorming the special memories I have with you but couldn't pin down my favorite so here is a quick list -
  • Gambling trip with Sarah & Mark…..OMG!!! How fun was that???
  • When you noticed paint color samples on my kitchen table and asked what I planned on picking…I told you that the whole idea of picking paint colors bores me and gives me a headache. You were so kind to make your selections and number them in order of favorite. My mother came by when I wasn't there, noticed the samples were marked, assumed I did it (finally got her off my back!), picked them up and next time you came to my house, the walls were painted with your beautiful selections and looking fantastic! I love the décor and am so grateful you glanced at the mess on the kitchen table that night!
  • Murder mystery dinner at your mom's house. I was the murderer, didn't realize it, made a fool of myself and YOU STILL LOVE ME!
  • Skydiving!!! My favorite skydiving buddy ever!!!! We need to do that again!!!
  • I just love spending the night at your house. I feel so at home, so comfortable and completely relaxed! It is like a hotel that has closed the kitchen for the night. Ha! Ha! Ha! No worries though, now I just bring my own food and couldn't be happier!!! Thanks for your hospitality Krista!!!
I love you baby girl….wait, let me rephrase that…I love you BIG GIRL!!!! LOL!


Heather Pike

Where do I start?

Krista - I don't even know where to start.  You mean so much to me
and have been the best friend ever.  I never thought that the girl with puff painted sweats
and poofy bangs would become the sister I never had.  You have been
there through so many memories, good and bad, have never left
my side, have always been quick to come to my rescue, and have been such
an important part of my life.  You have done so much for me, from loving Emma the way you do and helping
me raise her, being there when she was born, knowing about and witnessing all my firsts (boyfriend, beer, etc.), standing by my side through my darkest times, and overall just being a part of my life.
I know you know this, but I truly love you so much and so thankful God brought you into
my life.  Happy 30th birthday, and may your next 30 years be filled with love, happiness, and
everything great that you deserve plus so much more!  Now on to memories!

I think this is one of my favorite pics of us.  #1 because I died
my hair orangish out of a box, #2 because our parents were dumb
and thought it would be a good idea to send two 18 year olds
to Cancun, and #3 because we actually thought our hair looked good this way! 
One of many cheer photos.  We look a little dorky here
it too big T-shirts!  Go Bears!!!

I like how this showcases
your lovely bangs, your Krista "do-de-do" dance, and your
super hot sweats.

Our first K3 solo adventure!

The day we met my future hubby aka "that man"!

I love you and can't wait for so many more memories together!!!
Love, Kristin

Monday, November 29, 2010

Senior Year Memories

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTA!!!   How did you grow up so fast?  30 Years Old!  We have so many fond memories......I know your mom and Kel have alot of pictures from the early years, so I'll start with your Senior Year at Montgomery High School ...it was one of the best.  Not only were you nominated for the Homecoming Court, but you also were chosen Most Beautiful at your Senior Prom!  These are memories you will have forever.  From there you went on to graduate from your dream school...Texas A&M.  What a happy day that was for all of us!  And now you are a successful business owner with your sister Kellie.   I am so proud of you and the wonderful young woman you have become.  You have grown up to be a responsible mature young lady that's in control of her life, but at the same time still so sensitive to everything and everyone around you.  You will always be my "little girl" and I cherish all the memories we have made together (even though I don't seem to have many pictures of them!) .....Happy Birthday!
Love you, Dad